Testing Bot

Testing Bot is a cloud provider. It requires a monthly or yearly subscription, but offers free plans for open source projects.

Start by signing up for an account at testingbot.com, then set the following environment variables:

Your testing bot key.
Your testing bot secret.

To do this locally, you can create a .env file in your project's root directory:

TESTINGBOT_KEY={your testing bot key}
TESTINGBOT_SECRET={your testing bot secret}

Then you can test using code like:

import assert from 'assert';
import cabbie from 'cabbie-async';

async function runTest() {
  // connect to testingbot, adding {debug: true} makes cabbie log each method call.
  const driver = cabbie('testingbot', {debug: true});

  try {
    await driver.activeWindow.navigateTo('http://example.com');

    const heading = await driver.activeWindow.getElement('h1');
      await heading.getText(),
      'Example Domain',
  } finally {
    await driver.dispose();

runTest().catch(ex => {